Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I dont know whether you are technically allowed to write an entry in a travel blog when you cease to be travelling but I guess I write this blog so I make the rules. Unfortunately, writing this from sunny Australia does mean that my time in Europe is over, and this is the last entry from a girl saddened by her inevitable return.

Of course there were other places I visited that don't get a look in through the blog, specifically those at the very end of the trip where my life was in a suitcase and the possibilities of discoveries appeared endless. But having returned to Adelaide and back to the glaringly obvious 'real world', it gets harder and harder to reform those amazing memories onto the page. Or rather the screen.

But in case you were kept completely out of the loop here is a small recap of my time in my last few destinations: Italy, Spain and France.

1) Despite thinking I was going to spend my Italy trip a lonesome loner (and that is the worst kind of loner), I met Kat and Soph, two true blue Aussie girls out there in the Italianness doing what we Australians all do best; exploring things we are yet to see. Between the three of us we had so many crazy adventures, amazing pictures and unforgettable memories. There is nothing like a couple of aussie accents alongside of you to make it all seem so much easier.

2) Italian Diet for all 15 days I was there. Crossiant and Coffee. Coffee. Pizza. Gelati. Pasta. Rinse and Repeat.

3) Spending time in Spain with Andrea whom I had not seen in five years. But had not changed a single iota. Laughing at her being the only English speaker amongst her Spanish friends and the only Spanish speaker amongst her English friends. Now she truly knows what it means to be a human translating machine. I think I did actually see her head spin...

4) Tasting the best of Barcelona after a authentic, live Flamenco show with Myf and Cait Doughty. Dancing, Paella, Tapas, Crema Catalan and jugs and jugs of Sangria... there is no better combination.

5) Nearly dying in the plane ride from hell from Barcelona to Leeds. Thanks goes out to Bec Riggs for attempting to keep my calm. Sorry about your hand, hopefully it will heal soon and you will regain full use of your fingers.

6) Paris with my very very dear friend Lou Victorsen. Who constantly ceases to amaze me with her ability to be an amazing friend and yet STILL have no idea when it comes to directions. What are you going to do now that I am gone? Special note has to be eating Nutella crepes on the TOP of Eiffel Tower, and devouring strawberries and taking toooooo many self portraits UNDER the Eiffel Tower. Perfect Day.

7) Spending the last days in Leeds with all the people that made my trip so great - Jo, Fran and Tom, Tori, Bec and Alice, Anita, Ria and of course Louise. Burgers will never be the same again unless I can have one from the Library. And I don't mean the place with all the books people.

So that's it. A very quick look at the last couple of weeks of a 6 month trip that went by in the blink of an eye. Thank you to everyone who read the blog and supported this new endevour of mine. As the blog nears towards 2,000 hits, I have to share my appreciation for everyone who has helped that become possible.
And to anyone out there in cyber land who wants to do a overseas trip.
Do it.
Not tomorrow.
Not next Tuesday.
Not next year.

That's all the advice I can give.

Was this a trip of a lifetime?

Do I still wanna up and leave now and go back?

Is this the end of my global wanderings?


1 comment:

  1. We miss you - Canada road trip 2012?!
    Oh and where's a christmas post hey hey? I never stood a chance, sob.
    Love you sezzle!
