Petty you ask? If you do then you simply do not understand.
Here is where the dilemma of being an Australian living in England comes into play…. When it comes to the sporting world we are not England’s favourite people. In fact, we are one of the few countries that is standing in the way of your total global domination in many sports.
Now if that doesn’t make me fear for my life here I don’t know what will.
It pays never to be too confident when England is in competition with Australia. Both are renowned for their successes and talents in various sports and it would be very dangerous to write off either nation’s ability to come from behind at the last minute (2003 Rugby World Cup Final anyone??!?!)
Having said all of this, there is one special time in the sporting calendar that comes around every four years which has its own little place in the heart of all Australians. It’s when the collective pride of the nation swells to a point of explosion; where we really get to show the English who is rightfully boss in the sporting arena.
No it’s not Christmas ladies and gentlemen, but more commonly referred to as The Commonwealth Games.
The Commonwealth Games is like all of Australia’s Christmas’s have come at once. Not only do we get to revel in our unmatched sporting success but without America there, we are finally given a proper chance to show our domination over poor old England (sorry!)
I was lucky enough to be present at the Melbourne Commonwealth Games in 2006 and it was undoubtedly one of the best week’s of my life. The Aussie sporting spirit was out loud and proud and with our national team winning TWICE (yes, lets say it again TWICE) as many medals as England, we couldn’t have been any happier than if the government decided to give us another public holiday (which the English have hardly any of let me remind you!) So what is the key to this domination you ask? Well I can hardly deem myself an expert but here are a couple of my theories:
Theory #1: Australian’s do not like to lose. Therefore, we will do almost anything humanely possible to make our teams the best they can possibly be – and most often than not that translates into being the best in the world.
Theory #2: Money. The Australian government has recognised how vital a sporting cultural is to our nation. Therefore they have injected a lot of money into making sure our teams and individuals are of the highest quality. And this is also linked to point one, because a losing Australia is not a happy Australia and that is not good for any government…
Theory #3: We don’t really have anything better to do. Australians are perhaps the most relaxed people in the world. We don’t really care about anything. Yes, we highly value the ideals of having a family and forging a career and having a fulfilling life but ultimately we just like to do nothing. Whilst the English are running around back and forth from their 12 hr jobs in the freezing cold in traffic jams as long as some small countries, us Aussies are sitting on a beach somewhere playing a game of cricket with our friends and family.
Practice makes perfect remember
So don’t be too disheartened England, simply follow these three rules and you might be able to enjoy at least a small part of the sporting rapture we bask in everyday.
Or maybe not. I didn’t say I was a miracle worker…
Are 37 more Gold medals than England quite a thrashing?
Will the English be victorious in the Ashes this year?
MAYBE (but for the mental state of my country let’s hope not!)
Will England and Australia ever lose this rivalry, the base of which our very friendship was founded on?
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